For NJ DWI Call (856) 429-2323
For PA DUI Call (215) 496-9292
A DUI attorney is charged with the responsibility of aiding a person facing a DUI or DWI charge by addressing the accompanying legal complications. While not every lawyer is ethical and trustworthy, ethical DUI lawyers that actually care about their clients do exist. There are a few things to consider when it comes to DUI attorneys and ethics.
The first and most important responsibility of ethical DUI attorneys is to protect the rights of the client. It is their job to make sure that the client has not been deprived of any constitutional rights. They take the time to review the case and determine whether or not the appropriate steps were taken by the police. If it does arise that the client was deprived of his or her rights, an ethical DUI attorney should take steps to rectify the situation.
The attorney-client privilege is another important consideration when it comes to DUI attorneys and ethics. According to the attorney-client privilege, a client should be able to completely confide in the attorney. It is in the best interest of the client to confide in the attorney and tell the entire truth about the incident. It is the attorney’s job to defend the client regardless of what is told, and to make sure that the letter of the law is followed both in and out of court proceedings.
Attorneys are required to keep all information that is provided to them completely secret. Other attorneys, police officers, judges and private parties are not privy to information provided to the attorney by the client under the attorney-client privilege.
It is not the attorney’s job to decide whether or not the client is guilty of the charge of driving under the influence. For an ethical attorney, the only thing that should matter is making sure that the rights of the client are not violated and fighting zealously in the client’s behalf. In the case that the client is found guilty, good DUI lawyers will strive to get the best sentence possible.
Not every attorney is created equal. In the same sense, not every attorney is willing to take on DUI cases. Those who do accept DUI cases should represent every client to the best of their ability, regardless of personal feelings. If you are facing a DUI charge, it is important to find an attorney that you can trust and that you feel will represent you ethically, and to the best of his ability. While there is no way to know for sure as to whether or not your lawyer is honest and ethical, it is best to consult with the lawyer before hiring that person to work on your case. Make sure you are comfortable and can trust that person to take care of you before you retain their services.
A DUI charge is no fun. It can be difficult to win. But with an honest, ethical and knowledgeable lawyer, a person charged with a DUI has a chance to win the case or plead to a lesser charge; potentially saving a lot of money, preventing the suspension of driving privileges and staying out of jail.
Leckerman Law focuses on safeguarding the
rights of individuals charged with DUI, DWI, DAI, and
other alcohol-related criminal offenses - Call Us Now For
NJ DWI (856) 429-2323 | For PA DUI (215) 496-9292